Sunday, August 12, 2012

Bittersweet August

Autumn is bittersweet for us.. in it is our final vacation week, and while we look forward to it all year long, and the countdown begins in March... it's over in the blink of an eye and before you know it, the kids are back in school and we're in our regular routines once again.

We go camping in Algonquin Park every August. The kids are beside themselves with excitement.. well, okay... not our 12 year old anymore, but he looks forward to it a lot. Our 6 year old though... wow, a couple of weeks ago we brought peanuts home from our grocery trip, and he went ballistic! "We're really going camping!!!" he exclaimed. Yes buddy... did you think we were faking it all these months? LOL

August means get the last of your summer activities done because fall is on the way. I'm a total summer person... I can't stand getting bundled up to go outside in the slush and the snow and the ice. Hate it. But I have another reason to look forward to it, since I've begun decorating cakes... it's finally cool enough to turn the oven on (yes, I've mentioned this before, I'm sure, but with no central air, you can see why this would be an issue in my home lol) The fondant won't warp, the icing won't melt and I don't need to rush to complete a cake because of the temperature in the house.

Another thing I need to mention is how proud I am of our son, Tyler. He's our oldest, and he has floored me this summer... truly. He has shown such responsibility this summer (for the majority of the time, he needs to let loose and goof around at times too). He has babysat his younger brother for the first "real" time while my husband and I have gone out for the evening. We've trusted him for short periods of time and he's been keeping an eye on Caleb while my husband sleeps during the day (working nights sucks!), but this really impressed me. Not only were there no problems, he thought he had to stay up to wait for us! That melted my heart! He has also stepped up and helped Caleb out with his reading with flash cards I bought. Caleb has shown vast improvement over the last two weeks, and that's only from working on it for about 15-20 minutes a day! My sons rock!

Okay, so here's the recent cakes I've made...

The yellow and pink cake (chocolate raspberry truffle with raspberry mousse filling) was for an engagement/birthday and the bottom one(white cake with whipped cream filling) was for a 4th birthday :)

I look forward to the business fall will bring... I already have clients ordering for Christmas and near Valentines Day :)

Have a special occasion coming up? Want to surprise someone special with a sweet treat? Let's talk!

Until then, stay sweet!

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